
Rewatch MAB20 symposium

At the Media Architecture Biennale, this year Cities of Things was invited to organize an embedded symposium. We introduced Cities of Things and the field lab Amsterdam-Munich that we are setting up in collaboration with Creative Holland (internationalization program for the creative industries).

Part of the symposium was a panel with guests: Euiyoung Kim, assistant professor at the Delft University of Technology, Marcel Schreuder, founder of Springtime, and Marthijn Pool, founder of Space&Matter. Julia Christiansen program manager digital transformation of the City of Munich introduced the Munich Urban Colab, also partner in the field lab initiative.

In the panel we discussed the relation of Mobility & Society and the role intelligent citythings might play. You can rewatch the symposium via the website of MAB20, scroll in the program to the 2 July.


Podcast iBestuur

A couple of months ago Iskander was invited to participate in a podcast of iBestuur (part of Automatiseringsgids) discussing Mobility in Digital Future. We discussed the future of mobile technologies and the societal consequences. The podcast is in Dutch and can be listened to here: